object(DateTime)#1035 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-02-07 23:10:59.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

International scientific-practical conference «Conservation of biological diversity and development of the network of specially protected natural territories»

Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay regional university, U. Sultangazin pedagogical institute, department of natural science disciplines, Scientific Research Centre of Ecology and Biology Problems (SRC EBP) with the support of scientific and educational institutions invites researchers, university teachers, employees of specially protected natural areas, ecologists, doctoral students, master's students (in co-authorship with a supervisor or a letter of recommendation from a supervisor), students of higher educational institutes (in co-authorship with a scientific supervisor), as well as all specialists, showing interest to the considered problematics, to take part in th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE «CONSERVATION OF BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE NETWORK OF SPECIALLY PROTECTED NATURAL TERRITORIES» (to the anniversary of the honourable professor of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute named after U. Sultangazin, Doctor of Biological Sciences T.M. Bragina)


1. Problems of conservation of flora and plant communities.
2. Study and conservation of fauna and wildlife.
3. Development of the network of specially protected natural territories.
4. Materials on biological diversity and specially protected natural territories in educational disciplines.

Form of participation: online with the possibility of face-to-face participation (non-resident participants will organise hotel booking and accommodation on their own with the information support of the Organising Committee).

Date: 26 February 2024.

Location: Kostanay, 118, Tauelsizdik str.

Time: 10:00-13:00 AM Almaty (plenary session)

14:00-18:00 AM Almaty (breakout sessions)

Connect to the conference Zoom: will be communicated additionally to the participants of the conference until 1 February 2024.


Admission committee