object(DateTime)#1033 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-02-07 22:24:51.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Library History

The first head of the library was Vodyasova Alexandra Yakovlevna, who headed the library from 1948 to 1983, an excellent organizer and wise leader, from 1983 to 1992 the library was headed by Serozhenko Evgeniya Emelyanovna, who is warmly remembered by the library staff and librarians of the city.

Scientific library of the Pedagogical Institute in the 60s

During these years, the library had about 4,200 readers, these are full-time and part-time students, faculty and staff of the institute, teachers of the city schools. The service was carried out in a group way. There were 2 group subscriptions: philological – foreign language, biological – physics and Mathematics faculty. Students were served every other day: the first two faculties on even days, the next two on odd ones. The library's reading room had 120 seats and was open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., without a break and weekends. A great event in the life of the library and the institute was the opening of a reading room for teaching staff. Reference literature, periodicals, the Department of rare books (a gift from Moscow State University) were presented in this hall. The library held mass events, the Komsomol committee, the departments of the Institute and the student scientific society provided great assistance in this direction.A librarian was assigned to each faculty, which made it possible to better study the needs of readers and, accordingly, the book fund. Subscriptions were made for 200 titles of newspapers and magazines, according to the profile of the institute.

The Library of the KSHI

The library of the KSHI branch of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute was organized in 1966. There was a branch of the library in the village of Zarechny, 2 rooms were allocated for the library.

The organizer and the first head was K. I. Makarova (Eliseeva), after a while L.I. Afonchenko was accepted into the library staff, who worked in the library until 1987

In 1974, A. P. Dymochko was accepted into the staff, who gave more than 35 years to her favorite business.

In 1978, the branch received the status of an independent educational institution, at that time the library staff numbered 9 people.

From 1984 to 1988, the library was headed by N.S. Polyakova.

Libraries of the KSHI in the 80s

The library served full-time and part-time students, faculty and staff of the Institute. The library's book fund consisted of: textbooks and manuals, as well as scientific literature for term papers and theses, a total of 221951 copies.

The book supply was 76 copies, at the zooengineering and agronomy faculties the book supply was 100%. The service of readers was carried out on 2 subscriptions and 2 reading rooms.

The service of readers on the subscription was carried out in a group way. For 1st year students, classes were held on the course "Introduction to the specialty", as well as on the basics of library and bibliographic knowledge. The library organized book exhibitions, held Information Days, oral journals, literary evenings, bibliographic reviews of literature.

KSCI Library during the years of Perestroika

The main task of the library of the Kostanay Agricultural Institute in 1985 was aimed at promoting Marxist-Leninist theory, the works of K. Marx, F. Engels, V. I. Lenin, party and government guidelines, historical decisions of the 26th Congress of the CPSU and subsequent Plenums of the CPSU Central Committee, preparation for the 27th Congress of the CPSU and the 16th Congress of the CPSU of Kazakhstan.

The work of the library was aimed at improving the system of servicing students, in providing them with specific assistance in choosing books.

The university's readers were served by two subscribers, two reading rooms, the Marxism-Leninism cabinet, the correspondence and preparatory departments method rooms, and the Department's office.

The library used two types of service: differentiated and group. The group method was mainly used by first-year students in the mass issuance of literature for a semester. The library 's book collection already numbered 320.097 copies books.

This is educational, scientific, reference and fiction literature. In their work, the library staff was guided by the current state standards on librarianship and the "Regulations on Librarianship in the USSR".

An important place in the work was given to the study of the best practices of other libraries, acquaintance with progressive library methods of work, in order to exchange experience, the libraries of the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute and the Rudnensky Industrial Institute were visited, library staff went on internships in Almaty, where they got acquainted with the work of the libraries of the Kirov Kazakh State University, the Kazakh Agricultural Institute, the Institute of National Economy, the Republican scientific agricultural library.

Librarians actively participate in the social life of the Institute, in amateur performances, in sports events. There was a friendly, efficient library staff with its own customs and traditions, so there was a tradition to conduct the rite of "Initiation into librarians".

The library in the 90s

In the 1990s, the country went through hard times, funding for the acquisition of the fund and for the purchase of periodicals decreased. But nevertheless, from 1990 to 2000, the library of the CCI received new literature by year amounted to: 39,166 copies.

From 1988 to 1996, the library of the KSCI was headed by L.M. Ovchinnikova, now working at the Bilim Ortalygy IOC as the head of the department of maintenance and storage of funds.

From 1996 to 2000 , the head of the library is B. S. Kaibzhanova.

1996 is the anniversary year for the Institute, the 30th anniversary of the KSCI. As part of the anniversary of the university, the library held a series of events, so an evening meeting "They were the first" was held.

The library in 2000

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02/14/2000 No. 236 "On some measures for the integration of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Kostanay Agricultural Institute became part of Kostanay State University. At that time, there were 14 employees working in the library of KSHI, the same number of employees in the university library. I. I. Nechiporenko became the director of the united library .

On the basis of the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2004, the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was separated from the KSU. The premises of the standard library at the address: Tarana 118 were moved to KSPI.

There was a need to have a library that meets all modern requirements. In 2004, the university management decided to reconstruct one of the university buildings for a library. In September 2006, the library staff already hosted readers in a new place.

According to users, the image of the library keeping up with the times is invariably associated with access to the INTERNET, an increase in the number of computers and the introduction of new information technologies. In addition, among the necessary attributes of an ideal library are: a large selection and novelty of literature, professionalism of the staff, modern interior, new comfortable furniture, good lighting, the presence of fresh flowers, air conditioning. Such libraries rightfully include the Bilim Ortalygy IOC, a modern information and educational center

The Scientific Library is currently

The library fund of the National Bank is the largest in the Kostanay region, the university library is an undoubted leader in the number of titles of newspapers and magazines subscribed.

The library fund is universal in nature, diverse in content, purpose and reader purpose, includes educational, teaching and methodological, scientific literature, books, continuing, periodicals, multimedia materials.

The decoration of the fund is a collection of books donated to the library in 1964 by the Scientific library of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and has more than 1,000 copies. books. The chronological framework of literature publications covers 1883-1934 .

Intra-university publications give special value to the library fund: monographs, educational, teaching aids of the teaching staff of the Institute, materials of scientific and practical conferences.

Teaching staff and students have everything they need to carry out successful and fruitful work - free access to domestic and world information resources, both on traditional and electronic media. The current education system is impossible without a reliable information foundation in the form of electronic collections of educational resources. Readers have access to domestic, Russian and foreign electronic information resources: "RMEB", "KazNEB", "EAPATIS", "Web of Science", "SpringerLink", "Scopus", "ScienceDirect", etc.

The arsenal of events includes readers' conferences, book presentations, brain – rings, literary evenings, question and answer evenings, round tables, oral journals, meetings with the creative intelligentsia of the region.

The staff of the scientific library is engaged in tracking and accounting for publications of teaching staff in domestic and foreign scientific journals, as well as educational and scientific publications. Thus, the base of the intellectual potential of the university is being formed. In order to increase the publication activity of teaching staff, training seminars are held in the relevant thematic areas.

For the convenience of users, a Wi-Fi zone is open in all reading rooms. All services in the library are free.

The library implements the best practices of the post-Soviet library space, as well as the world experience of libraries in Western Europe and the USA.

Admission committee